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Showing posts from January, 2019

Heart to Heart Tatting Earrings

This is one of the more popular earrings sold at my crafts shows. I don't often get guys at my booth. Husbands accompanying wives do come by and admire the craft. But at my last craft show in 2018, two guys came by and started looking at the earrings. One of them was looking for gifts for his wife, and he bought a pair for his wife. How sweet that he knows what his wife will like! I designed this after Jane Seymour's heart to heart earrings, after being challenged by my tatting friends. The first one I did was a little too big, and I came up with a smaller one. The pattern is in one of my tatting books for those who have bought my ebooks. But the books are not on sale for now, till I find a website to host my books. If you are desperate for this pattern, comment here and I see what I can do.